A picture is worth a thousand words, and I am a picture maker. String those pictures along, like pages or chapters in a book, call it a slideshow, call it a video…regardless, it’s like a story of a few thousand words on-screen as a picture show.
With this Studio Kaufman YouTube Channel I hope to “string along” sets of pictures for your simple enjoyment, contemplation, and fun, like Princess Ann’s sojourn in Rome.

Day 3 Year 70Leica Q2 Monochrom
Continuing with more Q2 Mono photos, these being Day 3 of the California vacation (see the two prior slideshows: BH by Ed, and The W Hollywood) and of note, my birthday, 70…but who’s counting?
Dinner at Ray’s at LACMA; full-circle in a way, my first life-changing visit to LACMA was “A Special Exhibition of Jackson Pollock” in 1965.
Shot with the Leica Q2 Monochrom. I am continually impressed with this camera: handheld, with patience, or “on the run,” the dynamic range, low-light performance of this “necklace” is impressive.
Music: Eternal Sunshine, RYMDKLANG SOUNDTRACKS, Epidemic Sound
Shot with a Leica Q2 Monochrom

SCAD Sidewalk Arts Festival 2022Fujifilm X100F
SCAD Sidewalk Arts Festival 2022
Forsyth Park, Savannah, GA
Music: I Was Made For You, Kaufman & Perrivocals by Marcus KaufmanShot with a Fujifilm X100F

In My Delta HomeLeica Q2 Monochrom
In My Delta Home …in this case: a river delta, the Sacramento–San Joaquin River Delta, and home of the Kaufman side of Kaufman and Perri –Songwriters
Music: In My Delta Home by Kaufman & Perri
Shot with a Leica Q2 Monochrom

Will Duncan at Starland YardLeica Q2 Monochrom
Will Duncan, an up and coming songwriter performs at Starland Yard in Savannah, Georgia.
See and hear more of Will at Will Duncan Music . comShot with a Leica Q2 Monochrom

The Devil’s MountainLeica Q2 Monochrom
aka Mount Diablo is a mountain of the Diablo Range, in Contra Costa County of the eastern San Francisco Bay Area in Northern California and is visible from most of the San Francisco Bay Area. Mount Diablo appears from many angles to be a double pyramid.
Music: Crystal Gloom by RAND ALDO, Epidemic SoundShot with a Leica Q2 Monochrom

BH by EdLeica Q2 Monochrom
Continuing on a recent vacation to the left coast, on Day 1 or 2, who’s counting, I asked my good friend Ed to give us an insider’s tour of Beverly Hills. Did you know BH has an award winning cactus garden!
Shot with the Leica Q2 Monochrom; I’m continually impressed: handheld on the run, to low-light patience. Impressive if I do say so myself.
Music: Exotic Night by Riverworn, Epidemic SoundShot with a Leica Q2 Monochrom

The W HollywoodLeica Q2 Monochrom
A recent vacation, birthday party an’ all, to see HAMILTON, twice!, stayed at The W, across the street from the Pantages.
These shots, with the Leica Q2 Monochrom, are in and around the valet parking court of The W Hollywood, lighting credits to The W.
Music: Diamonds in the Sky by Yi Nantro, Epidemic SoundShot with a Leica Q2 Monochrom

Aline Smithson, @alinesmithson, artist, educator, editor and founder of LENSCRATCH, @lenscratch, selected this photo from my ROTHKO SERIES for the PRAXIS Photo Arts Center’s awesome exhibition: THE ABSTRACT IMAGE. AND, to top it off, Aline (pronounced: AL –rhymes with pal) Awarded this image an Honorable Mention.
Shot with a Canon 5D Mark III.

The Golden Gate BridgeFUJIFILM X100F
Day 7 from our last vacation (prior to COVID-19) in Discovery Bay, CA.How could you go to San Francisco and not do the Golden Gate Bridge? The irony for me I suppose is “growing up” in Santa Cruz (two hours south of San Fran) and driving over the Golden Gate as if it were just …are we there yet?
This is my 4th, and last, “slideshow video” made in Lightroom with its default settings. …which is basically also a “default format” that I like for presenting a set or series of photographs. Now begins the “Adobe Challenge”—the learning curve, from the ground up: Premier Pro; wish me luck.
I found the music for these Discovery Bay Vacation slideshows in a Karaoke site ( https://www.karaoke-version.com )…basically the music soundtrack sans vocals so YOU can sing along. See if you can recognize the “famous song” from which these karaokes originated. I think they worked quite well for my slideshows. (Be careful however, sometimes your perception of Copyright Licensing Rights isn’t what you think it is.)
Shot with a FUJIFILM X100F.

Mount DiabloFUJIFILM X100F
Day 6 from our last vacation (prior to COVID-19) in Discovery Bay, CA. My Birthday Brother’s house looks out on Mount Diablo; sunset is to die for! So, in addition to a killer sunset, we decided a day-trip to the top was definitely in order.
This is my 3rd “slideshow video” made in Lightroom with its default settings. …which is basically also a “default format” that I like for presenting a set or series of photographs.
I found the music for these Discovery Bay Vacation slideshows in a Karaoke site ( https://www.karaoke-version.com )…basically the music soundtrack sans vocals so YOU can sing along. See if you can recognize the “famous song” from which these karaokes originated. I think they worked quite well for my slideshows.
The vacation was wonderful and hopefully these “slideshow memories” convey that. At the moment though I am looking at these as a learning curve in how to make a good photography-slideshow using Adobe Premier Pro: wish me luck.
Shot with a FUJIFILM X100F.

CA State Route 160FUJIFILM X100F
Days 4 and 5 from our last vacation (prior to COVID-19) in Discovery Bay, CA. We had so much fun “Route 66-ing” along the Sacramento River on Day 4…we went back for more!
So that makes this my 2nd “slideshow video” made in Lightroom with its default settings. …which is basically also a “default format” that I like for presenting a set or series of photographs.
I found the music for these Discovery Bay Vacation slideshows in a Karaoke site ( https://www.karaoke-version.com )…basically the music soundtrack sans vocals so YOU can sing along. See if you can recognize the “famous song” from which these karaokes originated. I think they worked quite well for my slideshows.
The vacation was wonderful and hopefully these “slideshow memories” convey that. At the moment though I am looking at these as a learning curve in how to make a good photography-slideshow using Adobe Premier Pro: wish me luck.
Shot with a FUJIFILM X100F.

Discovery BayFUJIFILM X100F
Our last vacation (prior to COVID-19) in Discovery Bay, CA. Also, my first “slideshow video” made in Lightroom with its default settings. …which is basically also a “default format” that I like for presenting a set or series of photographs.
I made a couple more: Day(s) 4-5, 6, and 7, and will upload those too. The vacation was wonderful and hopefully these “slideshow memories” convey that. At the moment though I am looking at these as a learning curve in how to make a good photography-slideshow using Adobe Premier Pro: wish me luck.
Shot with a FUJIFILM X100F.